Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Home Sweet Starkville

So I know I've been home for 3 days now, but I thought I would just let everyone know how the "coming home" went. 

Sunday morning, we had to wake up at the crack of dawn (5 AM) to get up and get ready to leave by 6 AM. Hannah Rachel and I were extremely happy to say goodbye to room #5. We got to the airport 3 hours early....don't even get me started on that. We checked in and then sat around, sat some more, and sat around some more. The only funny thing that happened while we were waiting was that I convinced Max that he should use the wax strip I found in a magazine. He put it on his arm and ended up taking away a whole layer of his sensitive, white skin :) I'm so sorry Max!! 

We finally boarded the plane, and Max was my plane buddy again. We played Monopoly the whole flight, and I KILLED him. We got to the Toronto airport and went through customs without a hitch. We had to wait around some more but it definitely wasn't as bad as before, except for the fact that we were basically sitting in a terminal that Laurel's airport is nicer than. Anyways, we got on the tiny little plane and started our way back to Memphis. Max and I played the game of Life, but he was the one who killed me this time. 

We landed in Memphis (the heat getting off the plane was unbearable), Drew gave us a little spill about us being his favorite group of students ever, and then we went to meet our parents/whoever was picking us up. We made our way down to the baggage claim, and an hour later, with most everyone gone, Amanda, Tracy, Elisa, and I did not get our bags. Apparently, a whole cart of bags was left at the airport in Toronto, and of course, the Air Canada systems were down so I had to call them myself. After calling and talking to a guy from India (he was probably in India too) for an hour, they had all my info and said that my bag would be here sometime Monday. 

So Monday morning, I woke up and big surprise, I'm sick. I have no voice at all. I didn't feel bad, I just couldn't speak. So my mother made me go to the health center, where they told me exactly what I already knew: you have sinus problems. No duh. Anyways, I bought the medicine that I would have had already if my bag had come in when it was supposed to and left. Also, my bag never came in on Monday. 

Yesterday, I woke up still sick, but I could talk a little bit better. I received a call from a man who said that he had my bag and would deliver it sometime around noon. I should have known better than to believe him. I got a call a short while later saying that he couldn't find 21 Apartments on his gps and that he needed another address to take my bag to since he had never been to Starkville before. I gave him my boyfriend's address and he said that he would be here by 3 PM. 3 PM rolled around and I still had not gotten a call from the guy. I ran some errands and picked up dinner, and sure enough, as I was heading back to my apartment, I get a call from the guy saying that he is dropping my bag off. It was now 6:30, but I didn't care since my bag had finally gotten here. 

Everything made it back safely. My bag had definitely been searched through at some point while coming back, but nothing was missing or broken (especially the Neige I bought). R.I.P. duffle bag though. Somewhere during its haul back to me, the zipper heads along with my nice TSA lock fell off :( Sad day. That bag has been a ton of places with me. Oh well.

This is my final post. I know you all are crying and are very upset about it. I'm not. I'm not a huge fan of writing plus I'm not very creative/witty in the writing department. If you want to read that, you should read Hannah Rachel's blog. Anyways...I hope you all enjoyed reading about my trip to Canada. I had a blast and I strongly recommend that you visit there sometime in your life. It's like taking a European vacation, but you don't have to fly overseas and the flights only take 6 hours maximum. Quebec City is a little slice of French/British culture right here in North America. 

I would say until next time, but this is my last post. So....BYE!!