Saturday, July 23, 2011

I am such a "HAM" (as Delia would say)

I apologize for not blogging in forever a couple of days (I know you've been sitting on the edge of your seat waiting for my next post. ha). Nothing terribly special has happened since our trip to Montreal, but I'll fill y'all in on the details anyways. 

Monday, we had class. Nothing special happened, but I did get my first test back and I made a 100! That afternoon, Hannah Rachel and I just walked around for a while in the Old and Lower city. We decided upon eating at "Le Cochon Dingue," which means The Crazy Pig in French. It's a Quebecois restaurant that specializes in what else, pork! Hannah Rachel and I opted out of ordering pork, but we did order an amazing croque madame, that had goat cheese and pesto on it. It was wonderful. 

We did discover our new best friend that night. The Funiculaire. It's like an outdoor elevator, or "inclined railway," that allows us to bypass the most treacherous hill from the Lower city to our hotel. The $2 it cost to ride up was totally worth it. 

At the bottom.

The view.

Finally at the top.

 The best invention EVER. 

Tuesday, we had more class. Again, nothing special. After class though, some of us went out to eat in la basse ville and then rode the bus out to the mall to shop. I bought WAY more than I needed to. 

Tuesday night, Katie, Hannah Rachel, and I had our group dinner with Drew at L'echaude. It was absolutely wonderful. We weren't able to take any pictures, but I had Brie macaroni, steak frites, and creme brulee for dessert. That night was the first time I had had creme brulee in a long time, and it was soooo good. 

Wednesday, we had class again, just like every other morning. After class, Hannah Rachel and I heated up our Chef Boyardee, and then I napped for a little while. Early afternoon, Drew took a small group of us out to a used bookstore. It was a pretty cool place, but I couldn't fully enjoy it because they had no air conditioning and it was 90 degrees outside. 

Trying to find some good books. 

Wednesday night was the "big" event of the day. We got dressed up and went out to eat at Portifino, a really nice Italian restaurant around the corner from our hotel. It was yummy but super expensive. 

Tasty ricotta and spinach ravioli.

After eating, Delia started teaching me Ebonics. I learned all sorts of phrases like "chicken head," "HAM," "pie," and "slang." We chilled at the hotel for a little while before walking over to Le Drague to celebrate Allie's birthday by singing karaoke. I will have to say, I was a little apprehensive about going to Le Drague, but it was alot of fun. We watched all different types of people get up on stage and sing. Our group contributed the songs: Umbrella, by Rihanna; Baby Got Back, sung by Jean Maximillian; and YMCA, sung by Holly Claude, Delia, Martin, Elisa, and Jean Maximillian. Hannah Rachel and I left around 1 am, but everyone's party went on for a while longer. 

Max getting Baby Got Back.

 Dancing Queens. The most appropriate song of the night :)

Thursday morning, everyone was definitely dragging. No pun intended :) However, Drew came into class and said he had a surprise for us. A take home test and no class on Friday!! The only condition was that we have to attend a French movie one day next week. I'm not complaining at all. 

Thursday morning was really dreary. It was raining really hard, so after class, I took a nap. I got up around 3, got ready, and took a taxi out to the airport to pick up my dad and sister. Well, not only did I have the wrong time that they were "supposed" to be getting in, their flight was also delayed an hour. I had gotten there at 4 expecting to see them, and they didn't end up getting here until 7:30. Big mistake. I took a taxi back into the city, checked them into their hotel, and layed in their comfy bed for 3 hours, watching French game shows and anything I could find that was in English the whole time. 

They finally arrived at the hotel at 7:30, and we promptly went out to eat at a pizza place down the street. It was really good. After dinner, we rushed over to the Cirque de Soleil show to get in line. You have to get in line super early to get a good spot to stand to watch since the show is free. The show was amazing. I had no idea what to expect from a show that is performed under a freeway overpass, but it was really good. 

Doing a headstand while walking on a tightrope. Not my cup of tea. 

I can't even do 1 hula hoop, much less 3 or more of them.

These guys just fell off walls willy-nilly. Of course there were trampolines underneath, but I still wouldn't do it. 

After Cirque de Soleil, we walked my dad and sister up to Rue St. Jean to go get some of the fabulous waffles with ice cream, but sadly they were closed, so we settled for McDonald's McFlurries instead. We took my dad and sister back to our hotel to show them where we have been living the last two weeks, and after they left, I went straight to bed. 

I am so happy that we did not have class Friday morning. I needed a morning to be able to sleep in a little bit. We slept until 9:30, walked downstairs, ate breakfast, then came back and got in bed. We later went and met my dad and sister for lunch and some shopping, and when we parted ways, Hannah Rachel and I did laundry again. By the time we got done, it was time for our river cruise.

I’m not going to lie, but I really thought the cruise was going to be a snoozefest really fun. The food was not great, but once the sun went down and the man dressed in 1750s garb finally shut up, DJ Prime started playing. We burned up the dance floor. Ha

Doing the Cha Cha Slide. 

DJ Prime.

Max and Tracy "slow dancing" 

Our group stood in a large circle on the dance floor and just danced. We had many admirers. No one knew the moves to the Cha Cha Slide or even YMCA. So everyone just stared at us and tried to follow along. It was so much fun. It really shouldn’t have lasted 4 hours. The last 2 were the best by far, but it was still fun.

After the cruise ended, a few of us walked up to Chez Ashton for some late night poutine. I am going to be so disappointed when I get home and I can’t order poutine anywhere. We are just going to have to resort to making our own, which should be very interesting.

Anyways, I’m sorry I have been such a lazy blogger this week. I even had to make myself sit down and write this post. I promise I will try not to pile 5 days of blogging into anymore of my posts. Today, Hannah Rachel and I are taking Alex shopping at the mall. No telling how much money will be spent. Later y’all!!

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