Thursday, July 28, 2011

Only 3 days left!!

I am not homesick. I repeat again. I am not homesick. All I want is my own bed, not to have to ride the bus to get places, and to stop running into things. That's all. It's not a lot to ask for, I don't think. I'm complaining. I know I should be grateful. I'm in a foreign country (sortof) and today was our last day of class. Yay...I just need to get a better attitude. That's all. Ha.

So let me catch y'all whomever reads my blog up on the past couple of days because I just know you can't wait to hear about it.

Monday, I blogged that afternoon. It was rainy and we were being super lazy. After I finished with that post, Hannah Rachel got kinda stircrazy around 4:45. Holly's response: "We could go on a Chateau tour at 5." We hopped up and basically ran to the Chateau to make it in time for the 5 o'clock tour. We made it in time. The tour was extremely interesting. I had no idea that D-Day was planned over a span of three weeks at the Chateau Frontenac. We learned a ton of really interesting random facts, but I really enjoyed it.

One of the rooms in the Chateau.

Our guide showing us the layout of the hotel. We WOULD get a maid as a guide.

There are 3 third floors...It's easy to get lost.

If you make a wish while walking down, your wish will come true :)

The view.

After the tour and some laying around, we decided to check another item off our list of things to do while here. We walked over to a hotel here that has a spinning restaurant on the top of it. We somehow were able to get in and sit at a table. An hour and a half later, after drinking some ice cider, we had made a complete loop around. The view was incredible.

Tuesday, we had class. Big surprise. Drew did have another surprise for us. He took our whole group out to eat at Portofino. It was just as amazing as the first time we ate there last week.

Chicken fettuccini

Chocolate caramel surprise. Anything with "surprise" in the title HAS to be good :)

After eating such a big lunch, everyone in our group just hung out all afternoon in the lobby. We basically just took over the whole lobby. We just lounged around eating popcorn, stolen bread from the kitchen, and Nutella. For some reason, someone suggested that we go get waffles after everything we had already eaten today. So naturally, Hannah Rachel and I tagged along at the mention of dessert. 

Bananas + Chocolate + Ice cream + Whipped Cream + Waffles = 0 calories
Calories consumed on vacation don't count. We know for a fact :)

Yesterday, we had more class. As part of class, we had to go on a scavenger hunt around the Old City. My team was Max, Tracy, and Katie. We dominated. 

Last night, Drew took us to see a movie in French. It was called "Le Sens de l'Humeur." I didn't understand a word. We were lucky it was a comedy, so we could just laugh when everyone else in the theater did. Movies spoken in a different language with no subtitles are not fun. I have definitely decided to stay away from foreign films. 

Today was our last day of class!! We had a quick review for our final that is in the morning, then Hannah Rachel, Max, and Holly had to give their presentations. HR gave hers on Quebecois music, and she taught us the national anthem. I haven't ever had a song stuck in my head as long as I have had the Canadian national anthem stuck in mine. At least there's an English version I'm learning some new French :)

Tonight, Hannah Rachel and I did some laundry, studied for the exam Facebooked, packed (I know we still have 2 full days left, but we are ready to get home), and ate at a cute local restaurant. A croque monsieur with asparagus hit the spot tonight. 

So I'm pretty sure that I am only going to blog 1 more time before we leave and then maybe one more once we get home, but after this trip, I'm finished with blogging. We are parting ways. Blogging just isn't my forte, plus I just don't have enough to say to blog as often as some people do. Anyways....look for a post in the next 2 days!

1 comment:

  1. Every time I turn around, it seems like Anna has run into something. Don't be surprised if she comes home looking abused. It wasn't me.
